I was very honoured to be asked to judge the Easter bonnet competition recently at Melksham Free Dining in Bowerhill Village Hall.
The diners meet once a week for lunch and this amazing group is all pulled together by volunteers Dee and Louise. It was a pleasure to meet and chat to Bowerhill residents at lunch and to hear their stories.
Initiatives like this are crucial to fight loneliness and prevent isolation, so many residents told me just how much the Melksham Free Dining has helped them to develop friendships, even more important given the impact of the pandemic.
It is to the great credit of Dee and Louise that the lunch happens and one lady went as far to tell me it has saved her life providing a happy warm atmosphere that she felt comfortable enough to join in with and enabled her to find her confidence again. Thank you so much for having me and I look forward to being able to help you fundraise in the future.