I have been helping a number of Greensquare residents over the last few months including those living at Kings Avenue, Corsham.
I have been working with Cllr Alun Crockford and pushing the CEO to resolve the issues urgently.
The green at Kings Avenue is being used as a road to properties. This has resulted in near misses with people walking along the footpath and substantial damage to the grass.
Greensquare recently implemented a plan using boulders. The plan was to block vehicles from being able to drive across the grass and footpath. The implementation of this plan however caused several issues, including what was believed to be a cracked water pipe. Heavy machinery also drove over the green causing damage to the grass.
The boulders don’t even fully block access for vehicles but they do restrict the ability of residents to enjoy using the green space! Cllr Crockford met on site with a Greensquare employee and went through the concerns with the implementation. An agreed plan to resolve the concerns can be seen below – I’m pushing for a timeframe though which is essential!